Sunday, January 31, 2010

blog post 3

I really enjoyed the Music Faculty Concert (40th Anniversary), it’s not a “type” of music that I listen to on a daily or even monthly basic, but new music is always great. I really enjoyed the first song group, because the clarinet and violin were both part of the melody, although they both at times would alternate “solo’s” (if you will) in the melody. Of coarse one can’t leave of the piano, it’s role in the harmony is just too strong and beautiful. The Suite was not as “dramatic” as some other parts of the concert but that why I liked it; in fact it almost brought me back to my childhood. The music at time reminded me almost of a Disney cartoon movie, which I really enjoyed. I think what made this concert very passionate was the performers. They were all UT D faculty and loved what they did. I could especially feel the passion and love of the art when the singers song group was on.

Taking into consideration that it was a Friday night I believe that it had a great turn out. Mostly students but, understandably so seeing that I was there as a requirement as well. However there were defiantly family and friends of the performers attending as well, and you could tell that they had a love of the music as well

Post 2

Music is the biggest influence that I have in my life; in fact everything I do includes music. For example, when I’m am at work, the gym, driving, studying (writing this blog), cruzing with friends, at a bar, or doing anything for that matter I am listening to music. Without music I don’t believe that I would have the inspiration, nor creativity to get through life’s challenges. I also don’t believe that the world would be the place that it is today, without music. One of my other favorite aspects of music is discovering music or “new music” either by sharing music with friends or seeing a show when I have never heard the artist before. So because I think that music is so important I think that new music is even more important, because without new music we couldn’t continue to broaden our musical horizon. Therefore I have decided that I would like to learn more about Dallas emerging alternative rock music culture. Learn more in depth what the attitudes of the band members are, the reactions of the audience, but most importantly what its like and the struggles that come along with being an “ emerging” artist.

post 1

It’s hard trying to narrow down a music culture that has influenced my life, there is just so many. Of coarse there has been stages of my life where I have listened to different types of music, country, rap, reggae, beach music, hip hop, rock, mettal ect. All of these I would say have equally influenced my life, and brought me to different types of thinking.

Here’s a little background of my life which I believe has influenced my music. I was born in Dallas, when I was 11 months old I move to Maui, Hawaii. I lived there for 18 years, so when speaking about music I would say that Hawaii influenced the type of music that I was surrounded with, mostly reggae. When I moved back to Dallas I got more into the rock scene, which I absolutely love! Rock is what I primarily listen to, there is times when I like the screaming rock where you can barley understand the lyrics, then there are times like these that I love to listen to progressive rock that influences me heavily on writing.

I wouldn’t say that one type of music has influenced me. I would say that music in general has influenced me. I am a huge connoisseur of music and love all different types. In fact I think my favorite thing to do is to share music with someone, and discover new music